Commercial Agriculture in Chimanimani

The Chimanimani National Reserve’s buffer zone is rich in fertile soil, which is why many families seek land for both living and farming. However, the high poverty levels and the lack of access to extension services have been making these families adopt agricultural systems less appropriate for a conservation area, such as itinerant agriculture. Another aspect is the existence of human-animal conflict in two of the communities with great commercial agriculture potential – Mutue and Mukwawayo, in the community of Mpunga, in which the population uses fire as a means of chasing elephants away. This project has a duration of two years and has the following objectives:

  1. Improve the production and trading process of agricultural products in four communities (Mussapa, Tsetsera, Mutoe and Mukwawaia) located in the Chimanimani Conservation Area buffer zone.
  2. Contribute for the improvement of production and productivity of 200 families of commercial farmers, increasing their sales in at least 30%.
  3. Contribute for the increasing of the household income of the affected families through the commercialization of their produce.
  4. Facilitate the adoption of the Farm as a Business approach and ease the collective selling process, whenever it proves more lucrative.
  5. Promote agricultural fairs so as to boost the development of the local economy.
  6. Establish storage systems for agricultural products.