

You can reach the Park through the Cities of Quelimane or Nampula. The use of a 4×4 vehicle is advised.


There are direct flights from Maputo to Quelimane or Nampula. From these cities, you must travel by land.

The best period for bird watching in Gilé is in the rain season, between November and March. If that is not the objective of your trip, the months between April and October offer cooler temperature, providing good safari conditions.

Take walks and safaris through Gilé’s varied landscapes. You can observe an amazing diversity of birds.

If you enjoy camping, look for the Musseia Main Camping Site, close to the Park’s Administration, or the Lice Law Enforcement Post.

The Park hosts an incredible diversity of bird species and some large mammals. The beauty of the miombo forests, dambos, forested savannah and riverside vegetation along several rivers and streams are also some of the attractions for those who want to feel contact with nature.

95 mammal species were registered, like the elephant, leopard, lion, buffalo, wild dog, spotted hyena, sable antelope, kudo, wildebeest and 114 bird species.

The mountains that surround the Park are asking to be climbed. Thanks to its location, from the Park the beaches of Pebane and Moebasse, the Gurué landscape and the Primeira and Segunda islands can be visited.


Strategic Plans
Management Plans
Tourism Plans